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A power of attorney is a written authorization to represent or act on someone's behalf.

Who Needs A Power Of Attorney?

Anyone who wishes to give permission to another person to act in their behalf for certain legal acts.  A power of attorney document can allow another person to handle financial matters, or make health care decisions.
  • Missionary
  • College Student
  • Adult Children over 18
  • Anyone!

What is Included In The Power of Attorney Package?

  • Durable Power of Attorney
  • Health Care Directive (Living Will)
  • HIPAA Authorization

 A Durable Power of Attorney

Grants someone authority to act on your behalf in transactions you designate.

  • Register For School
  • Sell A Car
  • Order a Replacement Debit Card or other banking
  • Financial Aid Applications
  • Apply for Housing 

A Health Care Directive (Living Will)

Gives authority to someone to make medical decisions for you if you become incapable. You can also designate a guardian in case you become incapacitated long term.

  • If you are injured and can't make decisions for yourself
  • Details your instructions about medical treatment if you are not about to give consent
  • Contact Health Care Providers
  • Without one you will have to go to court to get authority

HIPAA Authorization:

Grants authority to a person you designate to be able to obtain your medical records or speak to a Doctor in your behalf.

  • Doctors and/or medical professionals can share updates or information about your medical records with another adult with this authorization

Curtis J Brown

Curtis has been working with legal clients for 15 years. He has worked with both individual clients, start up companies, as well as large publicly traded multi-national corporations. He has helped individual clients with their estate planning needs. He has also has extensive experience with risk management consulting and insurance procurement.

Course Pricing

Power of Attorney Package

$150 USD

  • Includes Card Processing Fee

    • Durable Power of Attorney
    • Health Care Directive
    • HIPAA Authorization
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2 Power of Attorney Packages

$250 USD

  • This option is for two separate packages

    • Durable Power of Attorney
    • Health Care DIrective
    • HIPAA Authorization
    • Use for 2 Adult Children or a couple
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